From the Executive Director
Dear Friends,
The Albany Museum of Art fills a crucial role in our city’s return to wholeness and a sense of health and well-being. We always strive to be the gathering place where all can share, enjoy, and feel at home around art and culture. These positive experiences of art are essential and fundamental to our community’s vitality.
Over the last 40 years, donors like you have transformed the museum into a regional leader for the arts, known for its high-quality exhibitions and inspiring programs.
Thank you for supporting our work in the community. Your contribution today will provide much needed resources to bolster the AMA’s mission to offer hope to everyone, through the magic of art, and to remain courageous, creative, engaging, educational, and evolving with the communities we serve.
Sincerely yours,
Andrew J. Wulf, Ph.D.
Executive Director

A gift to the AMA changes young people’s lives
Our young people in metro Albany and the surrounding area face many challenges and barriers. Your support helps them break through those barriers by exposing them to inspiring, thought-provoking art. The museum provides them with unique, enriching experiences they otherwise would miss. Your support sparks the creativity and critical-thinking skills tomorrow’s leaders need!
Art has tangible positive effects on students
Students with high participation in the arts:
- Score 100 points higher on SATs;
- Are 5 times more likely in low-income homes to finish school;
- Are 2 times more likely in low-income homes to graduate college;
- Are 4 times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement;
- Are 4 times more likely to engage in math and science fairs.
As a friend and supporter, you help make this possible. You help us bring world-class art to Albany and provide free admission every day. You help us build a better tomorrow by investing today. Please don’t wait. Show your support today!